Thomas William Saunders 1850 - 1940
A log cabin in the Shenandoah Valley, Frederick Co., Virginia was the
birthplace of T. W. Saunders. That event took place Aug. 20, 1850. The
subject of this sketch is 80 years of age at the time this record is being
written. Strange as it may seem, his memory goes back to the age of 2 1/2
yrs. He clearly recalls many scenes and events that are linked with the years
of his early childhood. It has been interesting to the writer to listen to
him tell of his experiences of those days.
His earliest journey of importance was taken at the age of four. At that
time, the family moved from the place of his birth to Delaware Co., Ohio.
This journey was made by a party of twenty seven people, all relatives. One
member of the group (party) was his aged great grandfather.
Nothing could more clearly emphasize the changes that have taken place in the
lifetime of this man than to note the manner in which this journey was made.
The trip was begun in a one-horse wagon which took them to the train. A
rather ancient type of railway train took them from Winchester to Harper's
Ferry. From there they proceeded up the Muskingum river to Zanesville, Ohio,
by ferry boat. A stagecoach took the company from there to Newark, Ohio.
The journey on to Center Village, Ohio, was made on foot by the men but
provision was made for the women and children to ride.
As our now now (sic) sees the aeroplanes sailing overhead and watches the
automobiles moving swiftly along every street & highway, it is difficult to
even imagine the difficulties that were met by the pioneers when they traveled
even comparatively short distances.
There were five boys and four girls in the Saunders home. T. W. Saunders was
the oldest of the children. Very early in his life, it was necessary for him
to join his father in helping to provide the necessities of life this large &
growing family. His opportunities for education were somewhat limited, so far
as schools were concerned, by reason of the demands made upon him by the family
and also by the limited facilities of school advantages of that day. However,
he improved what opportunities he had. By observing widely and thinking much,
he enlarged his field of knowledge in a manner that has been a credit to his
entire life.
At the age of 15, he became a member of the Christian Church under the
preaching of Henry Bauserman, a widely honored minister of that period in Ohio.
Thus began a life-long interest in the church and the deep things of the
Kingdom of God. To him, the advancement of the cause of Christ in the life of
the world has ever seemed to be the most essential type of progress. He early
became a student of the Scriptures. Few men of his generation are better
informed about the Book. Wherever he has lived, the church as had a loyal
supporter and a willing advocate.
When 22 years of age, he was united in marriage to Miss Martha E. Barr. This
event took place on Christmas day 1872. For 8 years, following their
marriage they lived on a farm in the vicinity where they were married. In
1881, they moved to Valley Falls, Kansas. On a farm at that place, they
spent 12 years. Mr. Saunders was able to describe vividly his experiences
with drought, chinch-bugs, etc., during those years that made it possible to add
only $100 in 12 years to the original sum of $1500 which he took with him to that place.
At that place, he helped to lead his neighbors and friends in efforts that resulted in
the building of a church.
LINE MISSING ON SOURCE COPY (Xerox of "original." This was a great service for the........
Mr. Saunders served as S. S. Superintendent in that building for 10 years.
From there, he took his family to the rapidly growing city of Omaha Neb. At
that place they made their home for 18 months. He worked in the packing
houses and stock-yards of that city. This move was not advantageous from the
standpoint of the family finances. When they left Omaha and moved to Cedar
Rapids, Nebraska (in 1894)the total sum of the family estate amounted to $1.50
It is just as well that all the details regarding the experiences through which
this father & mother & six children passed in those days be left untold.
Sufficiently suggestive is the fact that at times the family could not communicate with
friends for lack of postage.
Finally better days dawned. Mr. Saunders became foreman of extensive land and
stock interests for eastern capitalists. His natural faithfulness and integrity was so
appreciated by these men who lived away from their possessions that he continued
long in their service.
By careful saving, he finally save a sum of $600. With this amount, he bought
a half section of land in that vicinity for $12 per acre. Ten years later, he
sold half of it for $400 more than the entire tract had cost him. This was
the beginning of modest prosperity for this hard-working, self-sacrificing
In 1917, it seemed necessary to make a move to California on account
of the condition of the health of Mrs. Saunders. With that intention. the
remaining quarter section of his tract of land was sold for $105 per acre.
The move to California was necessarily delayed for a few months and Mrs.
Saunders passed away May 18, 1918. In the fall of that year, he moved to
California. there he helped to build the East Side Christian Church in Long
Beach, Calif.
Four years later, in 1922, he returned to Nebraska and located in Beatrice. In
September of that year, he was united in marriage to Mrs. Rebecca L Balderson.
This proved to be a happy union. At the time of this writing, they are
pleasantly situated in a house at 1500 Ella St.
Mr. Saunders' children are widely scattered. They are Mrs. A. D. Smith of
Long Beach, Calif., J. B. Saunders of Columbus, Nebr., Mrs. R. P Dunham of
Davidson, Okla., Mrs. S. A, Dunham of Perry, Okla., & W. W. Saunders of
Traverse City, Mich., He has 20 grandchildren and 8 great-grandchildren. One
son Paul passed away.
His brothers and sisters are as follows -- C. J. Saunders of Little River,
Kansas; F. S. Saunders of Columbus, Ohio; Mrs. Hattie Duncan of Bagley )
Iowa; Mrs. Mary Cole of Westerville, Ohio; and Mrs. Ella Hemius (?),
Reynoldsburg, Ohio.
Mention has been made of the helpful interest Mr. Saunders has always taken in
the church. He has filled the positions of elder, deacon, S. S.
Superintendent, Bible class teacher, as well as that of faithful laborer in
the vineyard of the Master at intervals without official position. During the
whole of his life's journey, he has been a devoted Christian, which is just
the writer's way of describing manhood at its best. He has lived in such a
manner that is has been a delight to know him and to work with him.
C. O. Stuckenbrook
Pastor 1st Christian Church
Beatrice, Neb. A.D. 1930
Copied by A. D. Smith April 12 1937
At this date the subject of this sketch is in good health at the age of 86+,
and is the only one left of the party that left Virginia in 1854.
+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Thomas W. Saunders
The subject of this sketch was born Aug. 20, 1850, Frederick Co. Shenandoah
Valley, Virginia about 18 miles from Winchester. At the age of 4 years he
removed with his parents to Ohio, Center Village, Harlem Township. Were taken
to train at Winchester by his Uncle Elisha Or(e)ndorff in a one horse muslin
covered wagon. [An e was inserted in Orndorff. RAS] Winchester by rail to
Harpers Ferry (a small town). From there by tow boat through the canal to
Zanesville. From there to Newark by old fashioned stage. From Newark to
Center Village by lumber wagon (men walking).
In this number were 27 souls, all family connected. The youngest 3 months old
(Joseph Robert Saunders) The oldest about the age of 75, the great
grandfather of 8 of the group (John Orendorff). [Here Orndorff was written
over. RAS] It took about 4 days to make the journey. A distance of 500
Center Village consisted of few houses surrounded by frog ponds & timber.
Through hard work and poverty he grew to manhood with the trials of a new
country. At the age of 22, he and Martha E. Barr were married Dec. 25 1872.
On March 8 1881, they with their family of 4 children Mary 7, Jay 5, Anna 2
& Hally 6 weeks left for Valley Falls. Kansas arriving March 10. After 12
years of hard times and hardships, they sold their little home and left for
Omaha Nebraska with $100 more than they brought to Kansas. After living in
Omaha for a few months moved to Cedar Rapids Nebraska (Two sons, Paul J. and
Will W. were born in Kansas.) On April 17 1894
There he lost all his holdings, thro a dishonest dealer. and began life over
again on a farm 2 miles west of Cedar Rapids and was fairly successful in
making him and his family a home. In the summer of 1917 sold their farm
intending to go to California. In the following May, the wife of his youth
left for the great beyond.
[The second of the these sketches was written by Mary E. Saunders Smith some
time after TWS died in 1940. RAS]
[Both the above sketches were transcribed in April 1998 by Richard A. Smith,
great grandson of TWS. There are some known errors and omissions which
are noted. Other errors and typographic slips should be reported to the transcriber.
Improvements, annotations, and corrections will be made as I have the opportunity and as information becomes available. RAS]
[The information in the first sketch served as much of the material for TWS's obituary, which
will be posted on this page. It needs to be re-scanned or made more legible than it is at present. RAS]